Friday 4 November 2016

Rmd Writes 14 year old Daughter open letter on his birthday

Nollywood icon Richard Mofe Damijo is
celebrating his daughter who turns 14
today. He wrote an open letter to her on
his page writing why she won’t be
getting an Instagram. He also advised
her to censor a lot of things including
her dressing and friends.
Below is what the big man wrote
My baby, my sunshine,
For hero-worshiping me, Thank you.
For loving me wholeheartedly and
unconditionally, Thank you. For not
understanding why people want to take
pictures with me but you let them
anyway, Thank you. For sharing me with
many others, Thank you.
I look at you and I thank God everyday
for gifting you to me, because there is no
doubt how special you are.
Daughter dearest, I have only one worry. I
worry about the difference between your
generation and mine and wonder if I will
ever be a good enough parent for you.
Yea, I want to be the cool dad you want
me to be, you know the one that would
let you have your 14th birthday party at a
condo, let you have all your friends to the
party. Let you wear whatever you wish to
wear and let you stay out till 11pm… Well,
darling you have to forgive me because
that’s never going to happen. As much as
I’d love to be really cool and all, it is way
more important to me that you grow up
with deep seated values that are,
Christian and African, then when you’re
old enough you can decide what you
want. So for now, as the quintessential
African dad and correct Urhobo man, I
just have to
Censor your friends.
Create a curfew.
Censor your outfits.
Curtail your access to social media… So
no, you still can not have an instagram
account this year or even next and just
so you know, even a 3.8 gpa would not
be good enough to make me change my
You see baby, unlike your generation that
thinks it’s cool, my generation looks
beyond what’s cool, so I choose what is
right and appropriate.
Yea, I understand you think it’s weird and
not cool and not fair but hey baby, I just
cant help myself because I am just an
Urhobo man that sent his daughter to the
US and would rather she turn out right
than be a cool dad, so again, Thank you
for loving me unconditionally and I love
you from some place deeper than the
bottom of my heart.
Happy 14th birthday my baby dearest,
God bless and keep you always.

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