Tuesday 1 November 2016

Bryan Cranston Is the Latest Celebrity Who Vows to Leave the U.S. If Trump Wins

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Bryan Cranston says he'll leave the United
States and move to Canada if Donald Trump is
elected president.
During an interview Sunday with T he Bestseller
Experiment podcast , Cranston was asked if he
would leave the country and take and extended
vacation to Vancouver if Trump defeats Hillary
"Absolutely. I would definitely move. It’s not
real to me that that would happen. I hope to
God it won’t," Cranston said. “It wouldn’t be a
vacation. I’d be an expatriate.”
"There will be books written, movies made. I'm
telling you, there will be theatrical productions
about Donald Trump because of the anomaly
that he presented," Cranston said.
The "Breaking Bad" star is the latest in a string
of celebrities who said they would not remain
in the U.S. for a Trump presidency, including
Lena Dunham, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra
Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Chelsea Handler,
Rev. Al Sharpton, Amy Schumer and Rosie

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